
Estate Details

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Associated People (4)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1823 [EA] - 1829 [LA] → Owner
1826 [EA] - 1826 [LA] → Attorney
1832 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Owner

Given as owner in 1832 but more probably attorney.

1832 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Attorney

Given as attorney in 1832 but more probably owner.

Associated Claims (1)

£2,347 16S 0D
Inferred association. Although the 1832 registration for an unnamed estate in St Lucy showed John Poyer Griffith as attorney and Howard Griffith as the owner, it appears more likely that the roles were the other way round.


This was possibly the Husbands plantation of St Lucy (rather than Husbands, St James: q.v.). If so, it had been in the hands of the Maycock family from 1635 until 1756 when Thomas Maycock died, heavily in debt. His son, John, sold the plantation of 393 acres in St Lucy to Samuel Husbands. A Chancery case was still in the court in 1780 though the record in the Barbados Department of Archives are illegible due to decay. By 1825 it was in the hands of John P. Griffith.


Barbados Department of Archives. Hughes-Queree Index of Plantations.

Estate Information (6)

What is this?

[Number of enslaved people] 142(Tot) 102(F) 40(M)  
[Name] Husbands  

Return of John Poyer Griffith, his own property.

T71/522 588-91
[Number of enslaved people] 152(Tot)  
[Name] [No name given]  

Return of John Poyer Griffith, his own property. Previously 147 enslaved.

T71/532 124
[Number of enslaved people] 115(Tot)  
[Name] [No name given]  

Return of John Bovell, Attorney, the property of John Poyer Griffith. Previously 152 enslaved. 52 of the enslaved were sold to Sir Henry Fitzherbert (q.v.). See also the latter's return for the Turners Hall estate in St Andrew in 1826.

T71/537 243-45
[Number of enslaved people] 119(Tot)  
[Name] [No name given]  

Return of John Poyer Griffith, his own property.

T71/545 32
[Number of enslaved people] 117(Tot)  
[Name] [No name given]  

Return of John Poyer Griffith, Attorney, the property of Howard Griffith [sic].

T71/548 343
[Name] Husbands  
[Size] 258  

Listed in St Lucy, property of Shepheard and Poyer.

Barbados 1913 list from the Hughes-Quere indexes transcribed at