Associated People (5) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1832 [SY] - 1832 [EY] → Owner
- 1806 [LA] → Owner
- 1806 [LA] → Executor
- 1806 [LA] → Executor
- 1800 [EY] → Owner
Associated Claims (2) |
£2,874 1S 6D
£137 16S 8D
Estate Information (2) |
[Number of enslaved people] 112(Tot)
Inventory of John Nurse, deceased, Kirtons, Christ Church. Taken 11 October 1806. (The inventory also bears the date 1810.) Executors: Joshua Bushell Nurse and John Henry Nurse. Enslaved numbers given did not distinguish between men and women.
Barbados Department of Archives. Inventories.
[Number of enslaved people] 125(Tot)
Return of Joshua Bushell Nurse, his own property. Note also the returns (with numbers of enslaved in ( ) ) of: Joshua Bushell Nurse [JBN] for James Nurse (6); for Rev. John Nurse (9); for JBN jun. (4); for Katharine Nurse (2); for Mary Nurse (1); Jacob Nurse (his own) (8); Mary J. P. Nurse for Samuel Nurse (decd) (0): 1 reverted back to Mary J. P.; Samuel J. Nurse (his own) no change since previous reg. (3); Mary J. P. Nurse (her own) (6). For these see T71/548, pp. 79-81.
T71/548 79