Associated People (4) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1813 [EA] - 1813 [LA] → Owner
1813 [EA] - 1813 [LA] → Previous owner
Accono was shown as 'one half lately owned by Robt Neilson Esq.' in 1813. |
1819 [EA] - 1819 [LA] → Heir
1822 [EA] - 1822 [LA] → Owner
Associated Claims (1) |
£1,799 14S 7D
Notes |
This is the same estate as Ortinola. |
Estate Information (3) |
[Number of enslaved people] 31(Tot)
[Name] Accono [Crop] Sugar Return of William Crosling proprietor, one half lately owned by Robt. Neilson Esq.
T71/501 587-588
[Number of enslaved people] 29(Tot)
[Name] Accono [Crop] Sugar William Bradshaw, as one of the heirs and lessee, for the heirs of William Crosling and Mary Crosling.
T 71/508 180-180 verso
[Number of enslaved people] 29(Tot)
[Name] Accono [Crop] Sugar and cocoa Joseph Thomas Gibbes, owner, late the property of the heirs of William Crosling and Mary Crosling [increase by 3 births and 2 returns].
T 71/511 297 v