Associated People (6) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1713 [SY] - → Other
On his marriage in 1713 to Elizabeth Booth, Abel Alleyne purchased from Dame Rosamond Booth, widow of Sir William Booth and Mother of Elizabeth, three plantations in St James, St Peter and St Andrew....Reference to Mayo's Map of Barbados (1717-1721) shows that the plantations in St James and St. Peter were situated about where Sion Hill and Black Bess plantations are to be found in modern maps, and are almost certainly identical with those estates.' |
- 1815 [LA] → Owner
1815 [EA] - 1815 [LA] → Executor
1815 [EA] - 1815 [LA] → Executor
1817 [EA] - 1834 [LA] → Owner
1817 [EA] - 1834 [LA] → Attorney
Associated Claims (1) |
£3,122 12S 6D
Note that the numbers of enslaved in this claim differ from the return of enslaved in the 1834 Slave Register. But this claim had no estate name attached whereas the 1834 return refers to the Sion Hill plantation.
Notes |
The Sion Hill Plantation is (as at 2014) a family run business of 5 rental apartments, an artist’s studio and 100 acres of agricultural land: Sion Hill, 2014 |
Estate Information (7) |
[Number of enslaved people] 117(Tot) 65(F) 52(M)
[Size] 1444 Inventory of William Prescod. Executors: William Hinds Prescod [the nephew of William Prescod] and John Gay Goding. Dated: 19 January 1815.
Barbados Department of Archives. Inventories
[Number of enslaved people] 123(Tot) 68(F) 55(M)
Return of John Gay Goding, Attorney, the property of William Hinds Prescod.
T71/522 80-3
[Number of enslaved people] 134(Tot)
Return of John Gay Goding, Attorney, the property of William Hinds Prescod. Previously 128 enslaved.
T71/531 299
[Number of enslaved people] 137(Tot)
Return of John Gay Goding, Attorney, the property of William Hinds Prescod. Previously 134 enslaved.
T71/538 173-4
[Number of enslaved people] 143(Tot)
[Name] Sion Hill Return of John Gay Goding, Attorney, the property of William Hinds Prescod.
T71/542 179
[Number of enslaved people] 148(Tot)
Return of John Gay Goding, Attorney, the property of William Hinds Prescod.
T71/551 168
[Number of enslaved people] 156(Tot)
Return of John Gay Goding, Attorney, the property of William Hinds Prescod.
T71/562 93-7