Hamilton, Garden

Firm Details

People & Investments (3)

 Name partner
 Name partner


Predecessor firm of Francis Garden & Sons (q.v.).

  1. Glasgow, 13th January 1808. NOTICE.—John Hamilton, Merchant in Greenock, retired from the Concerns of Hamilton, Garden, and Co. of Glasgow, and Alexander Fullerton and Co. of Demerary, on the 1st of January 1807, by an Agreement entered into with the other Partners, at Glasgow, on the 5th November last, he therefore from this Date is no longer bound for the Engagements of said Companies. John Hamilton; James Oughterson; Arthur Oughterson, Attorney for Alexander Fullerton, by Power, executed and dated 14th November 1807; F. Garden.


  1. London Gazette 30 January 1808Issue:16114Page:166.