???? - 1836
Physician of Kingston, whose will written and proved in 1836.
PROB 11/1863/7.
We are grateful to Peter Selley for his assistance with this entry.
Charlotte Young, Amelia Young
PROB 11/1863/7 - precis. Moses Nunes Henriques of Kingston, Jamaica, practitioner of physic and surgery. To my nephew Abraham Nunes Henriques, £1000 Jamaican currency and my gold watch chain and appendages. To my niece Luna Rodriquez Da Costa, £300 Jamaican currency. To my much esteemed and respected friend Mrs Rachel Franco, wife of Moses Franco Esquire of London and to my esteemed friends David Da Silva of White Hart Court, Bishopsgate Street, London, Dr Emanuel Pacifico of London, Mrs Hannah Young (widow of my late esteemed friend Thomas Young, surgeon) and my friend John Amos of the City of London, merchant, 50 guineas each. The same each to James Forsyth and Eliza Forsyth, children of my friend James Forsyth of Kingston. To Dr Joshua de Cordova of Kingston, such medicines, fixtures, apparatus and medical books as shall belong to me at the time of my death and also £50 Jamaican currency. To Mary Boyd, daughter of Maria Murray, £350 currency. To my friend Jacob Bravo of Kingston, four volumes of Adam's Lectures on natural experimental philosophy and £40 currency. To John Phillips of Kingston, a clerk formerly in the service of my late friend Walter Butt, £300 currency, my brass-bound writing desk, my spectacles with round gold frames, four quarto volumes of Johnson's Dictionary by Todd and my wearing apparel. To Mrs Elizabeth Johnston (widow of Dr William Johnston of Kingston) now residing at Halifax, $300 Halifax currency. To William Pitcairn of London, merchant, and Abram Alexander Lindo Esquire late of Kingston but now resident in England and to Eliza Muirhead, sister of George Davidson Seddon, dentist of Kingston, residing in Edinburgh, 100 guineas each. To Mrs Priscilla Martius, £300 currency for her receipt alone. To Mrs Catherine McKay, formerly Catherine Green, wife of [blank] McKay, carpenter of Spanish Town, £200 currency for her receipt alone. To Catherine Morrison of Kingston, £200 currency. Also to her, my house and premises in Mark Lane in Kingston for life and the residue of the term of the apprenticeship of my servant Sarah Jackson. My house and premises in King Street in Kingston, now used as my surgery, to George Davidson Seddon, dentist, for life and thereafter to the use of Eliza Muirhead should she survive her brother George Davidson Sedden. [Further details of this bequest.] To Sophia Brett, daughter of Mrs Delfoss, £100 currency. To my friend Moses Delgado of Kingston, my embossed silver tankard and my oval spectacles set in gold. To my young friend Aldred Dalgado, son of Moses Delgado, 50 guineas. I manumit and enfranchise my old and faithful servants Julia Henricks and Tom Wallace from the residue of their apprentice term; £5 to each of them. A weekly allowance of 6s 8d to Julia Henricks for life. To Eliza Henriques, a servant in my employment, £5 currency. My house and premises in Blackmore Street, Kingston, to my nephew David Rodriques Da Costa; also to him my diamond brooch. My servants Maury (otherwise called Ann Morrison), Emily Others, Emilia, Felix, Willy (otherwise William Brown) and James (otherwise James Barnaby) to be released from their apprenticeship. Whereas it is possible that the sum of £10,000 vested on my marriage in certain trustees and which remains yet to be raised out of my estate after my death may reverts to my said estate, in which case it to form part of my residuary estate. After the death of my wife Hannah Nunes Henriques, then an annuity of £300 currency to be paid by my executors for the support of my daughters Charlotte Young Henriques and Amelia Young Henriques for life. Two thirds of all rest and residue to my nephew David Rodriques Da Costa and one-third to my nephew Jacob Rodriques De Costa. My executors to adhere to the responsibility of my marriage contract. Moses Delgado, David Rodriques Da Costa and Jacob Rodriques Da Costa to be executors. Signed 09/10/1836. Codicil dated 28/02/1836. My house in Blackmore Street instead to my friend Moses Delgado and nephew Jacob Rodriques Da Costa upton trust; they to pay the rents and profits to my nephew David Rodriques Da Costs for life, and thereafter to his sons and daughters. Proved at London 01/06/1836. |
£260 12s 2d
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1817 [EA] - 1834 [LA] → Owner