Ralph Parkinson

1762 - 1806


Resident slave-owner of Jamaica, a native of Pickton in the North Riding of Yorkshire. In his will he specified that his four 'quadroon' children Richard, Jane, John and Robert were to be educated in England and never return to Jamaica.

Youngest of 11 known children of Leonard Parkinson, baptised in Kirklevington near Stockton-on-Tees, North Yorkshire, in 1762. Brother of Robert and Leonard Parkinson (both q.v.).


Caribbeana V, 'Hals and Parkinson', will of Ralph Parkinson.

Findmypast.co.uk, North Yorkshire baptisms [database online].

Further Information


Transcription at Vere Langford Oliver, Caribbeana being miscellaneous papers relating to the history, genealogy, topography, and antiquities of the British West Indies (6 vols., London, Mitchell, Hughes and Clarke, 1910-1919) vol. 5 pp. 291-292.

Ralph Parkinson of the parish of St. James in the County of Cornwall and Island of Jamaica. Will dated 12 June 1805. If I die in this parish I desire to be buried in the churchyard near to my nephew and nieces, and that an elegant tomb of marble be sent for and put over my grave with my age and place of nativity. I was born at Pickton in the North Riding of Yorkshire on the 14 Aug. 1762, and came to this Island on the 12 April 1778. Not one of the name of Scarlett to be asked to my funeral, and if I should die in the parish of Westmoreland I desire to be buried at White Hall my Pen, near to my brother Robert, and that my tomb be placed there with an iron railing. To my four quadroon children which I have had by a mulatto woman, Betty Grant, that I purchased from Tryall Estate in Hanover and set free --the names are Richard, Jane, John and Robert Parkinson- £2000 sterling each. They are to be educated in England and never return to Jamaica. My negroes Rose, Lilly and Minerva and wench Sally to serve them, and upon the said children going off the island I give these negroes to Betty Grant, together with Moggy and her two daus. Nancy and Mary, and Nancy and her children may be sold to Mr. William Tonkin for £100 each. I give her also £50 a year, and at her death the negroes to my goddau. Ann Watson, to whom I also give my beaufet with all my china therein, to be handed to her father and mother, and if she die to her sister Ruth. To Betty Grant also my liquors and the furniture of my bedchamber. To Mrs. Eliz. Cunningham [wife of Hon John Cunningham, d. 1806] my sett of mahogany tables containing eleven leaves, and at her death to her dau. Ann. To Mr. Wm. Tonkin my bookcase, and all the rest of my furniture to my nephew Matthew Parkinson, and my watch, gold buttons and rings to my son Richard. To my brother Leonard Parkinson a house and land in the New Town called Folly, purchased of John Perry, Esq. To my nephews, sons of my brother Leonard, viz , Leonard and Richard P., 20 guineas each for a ring, also the like to my niece Mary P. The large fortune my brother possesses. To my eldest sister Mrs. Johannah Bennett £50 a year, and at her death one half the principal to her dau. Mrs. Johannah Games, and the other half to the dau. of the said Johannah Games - the name is Jamina Wilkins by her former husband. To my sister Jane Games £50 sterling a year, and at her death the principal to her children and grandchildren. To my brother John P. 200 guineas, if he die to his son Chr. P. To my nephew Isaac Games £300 st. in England. To my niece Johannah Games the wife of Isaac Games £50 st., as she comes in with her dau. for half of what I leave to her mother. To my niece Lucretia Games £100 st. in England. To my niece Johannah Dinsdale £100 st. in. England. To my niece Jane Games £300 st. at 21. To my nephew Chr. P. £300 st. To my nephew Mathew P. £500 st. All residue to my brother Chr. Parkinson's children equally, and if he does not come to this island to be remitted to him in America. To each of my Executors 20 guineas for a ring. I appoint as Trustees and Executors my brother Chr. P., my nephew Mathew P. and my friends George Watson, William Appleton and Henry Parry, Esquires, with power to sell all my estate. Witnessed by William Plummer, William Allen, William Tonkin.

Codicil. 23 May 1806. I give to my nephew Ralph Parkinson Games son of Isaac G. of London £2000 st. at 21. My Ex'ors to purchase for Betty Grant for £700 c. a house in the town of Montego Bay. To my friend Mr. John Pender of the parish of St; James 20 guineas for a ring. In case Mr. Wm. Tonkin my clerk shall settle my books and accounts I bequeath him £200 c. Witnessed by James Irving, William Boyd, William Allen. Endorsed "The Will of Ralph Parkinson, Esq." Mr. Cardale, Bedford Row. And in pencil, "Mr Games, No. 5 Pear Tree Row, Lamberth, M." [?Marsh]. [Abstracted from an old copy in the Editor's possession.]

Associated Estates (2)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1803 [EA] - 1803 [LA] → Trustee
1807 [EA] - 1811 [LA] → Previous owner

Relationships (6)

Uncle → Nephew
Uncle → Niece
Testator → Executor
Testator → Executor

Addresses (1)

Kirklevington, Yorkshire, Yorkshire, England