Joseph Thibou Mathews
Profile & Legacies Summary
1778 - ????
Claimant or beneficiary
- Joseph Matthews [sic] of Demerara matriculated at Leyden University 19/11/1794 aged 16. Joseph Thibou Mathews of Demerara submitted his doctoral thesis in 1801.
- Email from Stanley R. Criens, 20/04/2019 sourced to: L. Knappert, Naamlijst van West-Indische studenten te Leiden, Utrecht, Groningen en Harderwijk 1701-1813 in Bijdragen voor Vaderlandsche geschiedenis en oudheidkunde, zesde reeks, tiende deel, 1930, p. 293, no. VI.7; Edward Peacock, Index to English speaking students who have graduated at Leyden university (London, 1883) p. 66, 1183; thesis available at
We are grateful to Stanley R. Criens for his assistance with compiling this entry.
Further Information
Leyden [1794-1801 ]
Associated Claims (1)
Associated Estates (1)
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
- SD - Association Start Date
- SY - Association Start Year
- EA - Earliest Known Association
- ED - Association End Date
- EY - Association End Year
- LA - Latest Known Association
1817 [EA] - 1817 [LA] → Joint owner
Inferred to be the J. Matthews of J. Matthews & Dodgson in the 1817 Slave Register
Relationships (1)