???? - 1753
John Taylor Milliken appears in a suit of 1770 as the 15 year old son of James Milliken and Elizabeth Taylor (formerly Milliken) in which John Taylor Milliken's guardians sought consent to buy out the interest of Samuel Okes Taylor (q.v.) in an estate in St John Capisterre which had been the inheritance of Elizabeth Taylor. The estate was possibly that shown as of John Taylor in the 1753 Samuel Baker map. The father of John Taylor Milliken must have been a different man to either James Milliken I (q.v., who d. 1741) or James Milliken II (q.v., who was still alive in 1770).
Laws of the Island of St. Christopher; from ... 1711 to ... 1791, pp. 128-129.
Step-son → Step-father