Antigua 95 (Bendals)

7th Aug 1837 | 225 Enslaved | £2854 16s 6d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 309. The award was split -


95A: Kirwan received £1051 12s 2d.


95B: Betts received £1031 4s 4d.


95C: Boddington, Davis & Boddington received £872 0s 0d.


T71/877: claim by Robert Hyndman, as owner-in-fee. Counterclaim from Nicholas Kirwan, of the City of Dublin, a merchant, as the surviving executor of Patrick Kirwan, for unpaid purchase money of £5454 11s 8d and interest (the attorney was Thomas Bartrum, of 72 Old Broad St., London). Counterclaim from George Betts, of St John, Antigua, as execution creditor for £1773 17s 41/4/d. Numerous other counterclaims, including: Josiah Martin, of No. 4 Nottingham Street, Marylebone; Sir Henry William Martin, of 51 Upper Harley St., as 'a creditor £214 1s 7d'; 'BDB have Letters of Admin from John Allan of Antigua Bond & Execution creditor £1500 and interest'.


T71/1609: letter from James Shannon, of Cope St., Dublin, referring to his interest in the compensation to Robert Hyndman, and challenging the application of John Jameson, of Dublin, as an assignee or trustee of the creditors of Robert Hyndman.


T71/1593 p. 197: response, dated 27/05/1836, with details of claims from the Court of Chancery. Letter, dated 23/09/1837, from Thomas Hyndman, of Dublin, seeking information on the award (which information he was sent): 'It is so long a period since I have had the pleasure of meeting you that I fear I may have almost grown out of your recollection, but if not I beg you will make my respectful compliments to Mrs and Miss Hill'.

Further Information

Claim No.

Associated Individuals (14)

Not a claimant
Beneficiary deceased
Other association
Other association
Unsuccessful claimant
Unsuccessful claimant (Assignee)
Awardee (Administrator)
Awardee (Executor or executrix)
Unsuccessful claimant (Judgement creditor)
Unsuccessful claimant
Awardee (Judgement creditor)
Deceased claimant successful (Judgement creditor)

Associated Estates (1)