Associated People (5) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1824 [SY] - 1834 [LA] → Executrix
- 1824 [EY] → Owner
1824 [SY] - → Heir
Thomas Bassell Winter travelled to Deutichem to run it several years after his father's death. He registered the enslaved people on behalf of Winter, Innes & Baillie in 1834. |
1825 [EA] - 1834 [LA] → Previous owner
1834 [EA] - 1834 [LA] → Not known
Awardee of part of the compensation for the enslaved people on Deutichem, which had belonged to Nathaniel Winter |
Associated Claims (2) |
£8,699 7S 3D
£4,349 13S 7D
Estate Information (5) |
[Name] Deutecom [sic]
Plantagie Deutecom. Eigenaars [owners] de Erven heirs/inheritors] Albert Heuer; Adminis. [attorneys] J. De Vry Jacobsz en J.C.W. Herlin.
Naam-Lyst...op de colonie de Berbice (1794) [transcribed by Paul Koulen, 2011] p.10
[Number of enslaved people] 262(Tot) 114(F) 148(M)
[Name] Deutichem Return of slaves attached to Plantation Deutichem situate in the River Berbice the property of J. van den Broek. This return by J. van den Broek 30/12/1817. The return includes 15 runaways, the earliest from 1789 and the latest 1814.
T71/437 382-386
[Number of enslaved people] 282(Tot)
[Name] Deutichem Return of slaves the property of Messrs Nath. Winter & Co. attached to Pln Deutichem, thus return made by attorney William Ross. Total number per last return 290. 'Acquisitions' 21 (7M 14F), deductions 34 (18M 16F), number 01/01/1825 '282 heads'.
T71/442 47-50
[Number of enslaved people] 275(Tot)
[Name] Deutichem Property of Winter, Innes and Baillie, return by their attorney Wm Ross.
T71/443 379-382
[Number of enslaved people] 259(Tot)
[Name] Deutichem Property of Winter, Innes and Baillie, attached to Pln Deutichem, return by their attorney John Cameron
T71/444 732-735