About us
The Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology (LMCB) is a division of the Faculty of Life Sciences and is located in the heart of the Bloomsbury Campus of UCL. Research staff and students work together to understand the fundamental principles of cell and tissue biology relevant to human disease. Read more about our mission here.
History of the LMCB
The LMCB opened in 1993 under the leadership of Prof Colin Hopkins, as one of the first centres dedicated to molecular cell biology in the UK. In April 2001, Prof Alan Hall took over as Director, and a new MRC Cell Biology Unit (CBU) was incorporated within the LMCB. In March 2006, Prof Mark Marsh became the LMCB Director. In 2013, the MRC LMCB at UCL University Unit was established to provide leadership in the field of cell biology research. Prof Alison Lloyd was appointed as Director in 2020. The LMCB is now an academic division within UCL's Faculty of Life Sciences.
A visual chronology of the LMCB's history
University links
The LMCB is an academic division within UCL's Faculty of Life Sciences, one of four Faculties in Life and Medical Sciences. The Faculty of Life Sciences also includes the Division of Biosciences, the School of Pharmacy, the Gatsby Computational Neurosciences Unit and the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour.
The Faculty has been associated with six Nobel Laureates and presents an unrivalled environment for students and researchers in life science disciplines ranging from the biology of molecules, cells and organisms through to neuroscience and behavioural sciences.