
LMCB - Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology



The LMCB has a thriving postdoctoral community, with over fifty researchers from all over the world. Postdocs work in an environment of research excellence, allowing them to develop the skills necessary to become independent scientists:

  • Leadership
  • Project management
  • Resilience
  • Communication skills
  • Personal effectiveness

A range of development opportunities and workshops are offered at the LMCB and UCL, aimed to help early career researchers establish their future careers and realise their professional and personal goals. Postdocs are supported by an active and effective postdoc committee and the Equality, Diversion & Inclusion Committee.

If you are interested in a postdoctoral position, please visit our recruitment page, or contact group leaders directly.

Download our Postdoctoral Welcome Pack here. 

Postdoc committee

The LMCB has a dynamic postdoc committee whose aim is to:

  • Encourage scientific discussion and networking
  • Promote communication and collaborations between early career researchers
  • Identify resources and promote skills sharing for technical expertise
  • Provide resources for career development

To achieve these goals, the committee organises career talks, skills sharing sessions, social events (including monthly postdoc breakfasts), seminars and much more. In addition, the committee provides new postdocs with a Welcome Pack containing information, resources and support services.

Current members of the Postdoc Committee are Giulia Paci (Mao Lab), Delan Alasaadi (Acton Lab), Stella Kouloulia (Lloyd Lab), Marousa Darsinou (Riccio Lab) and Filipy Borghi (Saiardi Lab).

To contact the committee, email lmcb-postdoc-committee@ucl.ac.uk