
LMCB - Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology


Light microscopy

Our Light Microscopy Imaging Platform hosts a wide range of cutting-edge imaging systems for advanced microscopy, including confocal, multi-photon and super-resolution modalities, enabling users to address research questions in living systems across temporal and spatial scales. Our staff have experience with a wide range of specialised imaging methods and train scientists to use our equipment, actively engaging in discussions about experimental strategy and design as well as working alongside our Bioinformatics group to help users with image processing and analysis problems.
Our Platform includes the UCL Super-Resolution Imaging Facility and complements systems found in the UCL-ZEISS Multiscale Imaging Centre.
Dividing cells imaged with fluorescence microscope


Andrew Vaughan (Head of Light Microscopy)
Ki Hng (Light Microscopy Officer)
John Gallagher (Light Microscopy Officer)


Users can find full details of our imaging systems here.

User policies

To access the UCL Super-resolution Imaging Facility, please visit the Facility webpage and fill in the access form. All other LMCB microscopes are principally used by LMCB staff but access is open to UCL and external users upon request. Please contact Andrew Vaughan for booking and training details.