Dominica 576A & B (Castle Bruce)

23rd Jan 1836 | 162 Enslaved | £3317 4s 0d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 314.

576A: £1105 14s 8d went to Saltoun and Bayley, 23/01/1836; £1105 14s 8d went to Dundas, 23/01/1836.

576B: £1105 14s 8d went to Oliver Vile.

T71/881: Saltoun, Bayley and Dundas were owners and devisees in trust, and executors of S. Fraser (deceased), by their attorney J. Gordon. Counterclaim from Oliver Vile, of Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, London, assignee in trust of one-third of the enslaved persons and two debts theron, amounting to one-third of the compensation money. Counterclaim from Allan Stewart Laing, of Inner temple, London, executor of James Laing, judgement on bond.

Joseph Sturge and Thomas Harvey, The West Indies in 1837 (London, Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 1838) p. xvii: the authors state that the number of enslaved persons on the (absentee) Castle Bruce sugar estate fell from 281 to 162, with 224 deaths and 51 births: 'The reader will not fail to observe the fewness of the births as well as the fearful number of deaths on these estates'.

Further Information

Claim No.
576A & B
Castle Bruce

Associated Individuals (6)

Awardee (Owner-in-fee)
Awardee (Assignee)
Awardee (Executor or executrix)
Previous owner
Other association

Associated Estates (1)