Associated People (5) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1811 [SY] - 1821 [EY] → Owner
1821 [SY] - 1834 [LA] → Joint owner
1810 [EA] - 1811 [LA] → Joint owner
1834 [EA] - → Joint owner
1834 [EA] - → Joint owner
Associated Claims (2) |
£5,831 19S 9D
£7,609 9S 10D
Estate Information (6) |
[Name] Haags Bosch
William Heathcote came into the possession of Haags Bosch (situate in Canal No 3) ca 7 April 1810, previously the property of the late F Kroll.
Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette vol. 5 no. 256 (07/04/1810) transcribed at [accessed 20/08/2018].
[Number of enslaved people] 156(Tot) 54(F) 102(M)
[Name] Haag's Bosch T. Frankland registered 156 enslaved people as executor to estate of W. Heathcote.
T71/397 H1 439
[Number of enslaved people] 234(Tot) 103(F) 131(M)
[Name] Haag's Bosch Thos. Frankland executor of William Heathcote
T71/414 305-311
[Name] Haags Bosch
In 1832, Robert Neilson prive and qq registered 146 enslaved people, who appear to represent those remaining after he sold 245 people of the 240 registered on Haags Bosch in 1829 and the 147 on Perseverance in 1829.
T71/430 565-569
[Number of enslaved people] 103(Tot) 42(F) 61(M)
[Name] None given Belonging to the heirs of William Heathcote in lawful possession of their attorney Thomas Frankland and by him hired to Robert Neilson for himself and representing the other heirs [signed T. Franklin qq.].
T71/430 506-508
[Name] Haagbosch
Shown in 1846 as one of five estates having been co-owned by the deceased Alexander Glen and James Glen.
London Gazette 20619 03/07/1846 p. 2476