
LMCB - Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology

Marousa Darsinou's picture

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Riccio Lab


Europe PMC | PubMed 

Research synopsis

The maintenance of the extraordinary neuronal cytoarchitecture relies on the compartmentalization of gene expression. This allows the neurons to regulate gene expression locally and independently in distant cellular compartments, such as in axon terminals, and respond rapidly to local signals. The 3’untranslated region (UTR) of mRNAs play a fundamental role in regulating many aspects of RNA metabolism including transcript stability, localization and translation. We recently showed (Crerar et al, 2019) that Tp53inp2, a bifunctional mRNA abundantly expressed and localized in sympathetic neuron axons, is not translated in neuronal cells. Tp53inp2 mRNA is implicated in NGF signaling and is essential for the neuronal survival, axonal growth, and target innervation. However, how this mRNA regulates NGF signaling remains unknown. The long 3’UTR of Tp53inp2 mRNA may play a role in this regulation. So, my goal is to understand the mechanisms by which Tp53inp2 mRNA coordinates the regulation of NGF signaling and to identify the players that may be responsible for coordinating its bifunctional state.


2019 | Post-doctoral Research Associate, Inst. of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB)- Hellas (FORTH), Greece
2018 | PhD in Molecular Biology, Inst. of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB)- Hellas (FORTH) and Dep. of Biological Applications and Technology, University of Ioannina, Greece
2009 | "PTYCHION” In Biology & Integrated Master of Science, Dep. of Biological Applications and Technology, University of Ioannina, Greece


2010-2011 | Fellowship of the foundation “Nikolaou Kritski”
2004-2005| Scholarship of the foundation “Nikolaos Papadimitriou”
2004 | Award from Eurobank under the sponsorship program “The great moment for education”



Research themes

Signalling pathways
Post-transcriptional regulation
RNA metabolism
Neuronal development 


Light microscopy