Jamaica St George 256A-D (Harmony Hill)

21st Dec 1835 | 64 Enslaved | £1153 6s 6d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 54.

256A - £192 4s 5d went to West; 256B - £192 4s 5d went to Winchester; 256C - £384 8s 10d went to Rose (dated 18/01/1836); 256D - £384 8s 10d went to Mack Glashan (dated 07/03/1836).

T71/869: claim from Eleanor West, of Scotland, as owner of 1/6th; Robert Winchester, of Scotland, as owner in right of his wife of remaining sixth; Hugh Hay Rose, of Edinburgh, as owner in right of his wife and as guardian of James Waddell of 1/3rd; C. Mackglashan, of Kingston, as trustee of John and Geo. Gray of 1/3rd. Counterclaim from A.H. Beaumont, as creditor on two judgements versus Jno Gray (dated September 1834 for £6 14s 6d and February 1835 for £24 17s 2d). Separate counterclaim from A.H. Beaumont for £6 17s 11d, from judgement dated September 1834.

T71/1593 pp. 6-7: letter, dated 07/12/1835, to Major Robert Winchester, 92 Highlanders Barrack's, Perth (Scotland) under St George claim nos. 256 and 258 re. 'awards to you, your wife and Mrs Eleanor West'.

T71/1607: letter, dated 19/01/1836, from J. Mulholland, London, stating: 'I take the liberty of calling your attention to (the) nature' of the counterclaims from A.H. Beaumont, at present in France.'A very slight examination (I submit) will shew that Mr B, has taken judgement against the two properties represented by the above nos. (256 & 257) for the same sums of money and on dates corresponding: thus locking up two large sums, for amounts in themselves trifling, and for which I am quite ready to arrange with Mr Beaumont when he returns to this country'.

T71/1593 pp. 18-19: shows Lt. Col. Hugh Hay Rose, of 16 Claremont Crescent, Edinburgh.

T71/163 p. 305: 63 enslaved persons registered by Chas. Mackglashan in 1832, as attorney to Hugh Hay Rose.

Further Information

St George
Claim No.
Harmony Hill
Collected by
Cox, RH of Cox Hammersley (A&B); Hugh Hay Rose (256C); Mulholland, W.(256D).

Associated Individuals (5)


Associated Estates (1)