Jacob Bernelot Moens

Firm Investment

Moens, Dauncey & Latham

West India merchant

No notes

Firm Notes

  1. Berbice Marshal's Office: announcement of sale after surrender of L'Esperance coffee estate by C.A. Knegg [sp?] to Jacob Bernelot Moens and John Dauncey of the City of London merchants and co-partners trading under Moens and Dauncey  

  2. Dissolution by mutual consent of partnership as Merchants between Jb B Moens, John Dauncey and Jno Hy Latham 31/12/1844

Firm Sources

  1. London Gazette 18969 24/8/1832 p. 1941

  2. London Gazette 20431 10/1/1845 p. 82