West India merchant - British Guiana
No notes
THE undersigned, carrying on business in Glasgow, under the firm of M'lnray[sic - and later], Parker, and Co., in Liverpool under the firm of Sandbach, Tinne, and Co., and in Demerary under the firm of M'lnray, Sandbach, and Co. hereby give notice, that the subscriber Peter M 'Lagan's interest in all the said concerns ceased, by general and mutual consent, on the 31st day of December 1821; that in consequence of the death of James M'lnray, Esq. he, the said James M'lnray, and his heirs, ceased to have any interest in the said concerns, or any of them, from and after the 31st day of December 1824; that the subscriber George Buchanan's interest in all or any of the said concerns ceased, by mutual consent, from and after the 31st day of December; 1824; and that the business of the said concerns continue to be carried on under the same firms, and the same places, respectively, by the remaining subscribers.
• L.M'lnroy, Robert Hagart, Sam. Sandbach, Peter M'Lagan, trustees of the late James M'Inray, deceased. Sandbach, Charles S. Parker, P. F. Tinne, George Buchanan, Charles S. Parker for Geo. Rainy, Peter M' Lagan, J. P. M'lnroy, Charles S. Parker, jun.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned, Samuel Sandbach Parker, Alfred Traill Parker, John Ernest Tinne, Gilbert Robertson Sandbach, and Charles Sandbach Parker, carrying on business as Merchants, in the city of Liverpool under the firm of Sandbach, Tinne, and Company, and in Demerara, under the firm of Sandbach, Parker, and Company, was dissolved, by effluxion of time, on the 31st of December, 1892. The business will be carried on under the same firms by all the undersigned (except the said Alfred Traill Parker, who has retired), together with Evelyn Stuart Parker, who has been admitted a partner in the firms.—Dated the 18th day of January, 1893.S. SANDBACH PARKER, G. R. SANDBACH, ALFRED T. PARKER, CHARLES S. PARKER, J. ERNEST TINNE
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, John Ernest Tinne, Charles Sandbach Parker, Evelyn Stuart Parker, and John Abraham Tinne, carrying on business as West India Merchants and General Merchants, under the style or firm of SANDBACH, TINNE, AND CO., at 3, Cook-street, Liverpool, and 124, Fenchurch-street, London, and of Sandbach, Parker, and Co., at Demerara, has been dissolved by mutual consent as from the 30th day of June, 1908, so far as regards the said Charles Sandbach Parker, who retires from the said firms. All debts due to and owing by the said firms will be received and paid by the said John Ernest Tinne, Evelyn Stuart Parker, and John Abraham Tinne, who will continue to carry on the said business under the same style and firm as heretofore.—Dated this thirtieth day of June, 1908. J. ERNEST TINNE, CHARLES SANDBACH PARKER, EVELYN S. PARKER, JOHN A. TINNE.
Subject to voluntary winding-up procedures 1972; Final General Meeting 14/8/1975