Associated People (2) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
- 1822 [EY] → Owner
1828 [EA] - 1828 [LA] → Previous owner
Associated Claims (1) |
£1,619 14S 7D
Estate Information (5) |
[Name] Providence and Dunvegan
[Size] 500 Shown by Woodcock as 'Providence and Dunvegan', St David no. 10 original grantee Thos Brown; Fowler shows Courland Bay Lot no.10, original owner 12/05/1766 Thomas Brown, present proprietors [c. 1772] Walker and Co.
Woodcock, History of Tobago and John Fowler
[Number of enslaved people] 105(Tot) 54(F) 51(M)
[Name] Dunvegan Return made by John MacKeith manager of Dunvegan estate 28/01/1819.
T71/462 366-370
[Number of enslaved people] 105(Tot) 53(F) 52(M)
[Name] Dunvegan D[ougal]. MacGregor manager
T71/474 27
[Number of enslaved people] 96(Tot) 49(F) 47(M)
[Name] Dunvegan Saml McEachnie attorney
T71/481 26
[Name] Dunvagen [sic]
Shown by Woodcock in 'A table, showing the estates in cultivation and their owners in 1832...' as owned by 'Heirs of Hall' in 1832.
Woodcock, History of Tobago