Associated People (3) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
- 1816 [LA] → Previous owner
1816 [EA] - 1817 [LA] → Executrix
1823 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Administrator
Associated Claims (1) |
£2,415 15S 5D
Notes |
Note that the 1816 inventory (see evolutions) placed the estate partly in St Philip, partly in St John. |
Estate Information (6) |
[Number of enslaved people] 86(Tot) 45(F) 41(M)
[Size] 148 Inventory of William Yard Pile. Executrix: Mrs Sarah A. C. Pile. Dated: 13 December 1816. William Yard Pile's will gave to his wife £60 currency per annum and that she should continue to live on the Clifden estate.
Barbados Department of Archives. Inventories; Barbados Department of Archives. Hughes-Queree Index of Plantations.
[Number of enslaved people] 87(Tot) 46(F) 41(M)
[Name] Cliftden Return of Sarah Pile, Executrix, the property of William Yard Pile, deceased.
T71/521 666-68
[Number of enslaved people] 80(Tot)
[Name] [no name given] Return of Thomas Pierrepoint, Administrator, the property of the estate of William Yard Pile, deceased. Previously 79 enslaved.
T71/530 269
[Number of enslaved people] 78(Tot)
[Name] [No name given] Return of Thomas Pierrepoint, Administrator, the property of the Estate of William Yard Pile. Previously 80 enslaved.
T71/537 39-40
[Number of enslaved people] 85(Tot)
[Name] [No name given] Return of Thomas Pierrpoint, Administrator, the property of the Estate of William Yard Pile. NB that the return in 1829 was in St John rather than in St Joesph as in 1832.
T71/543 180
[Number of enslaved people] 89(Tot)
Return of Thomas Pierrepoint, Executor, the property of the Estate of William Yard Pile. By 1834 the enslaved had been sold to Robert Haynes jun: see notes on claim Barbados 3158 (Clifden). NB that the return was made in St Joseph rather than in St John as in previous years.
T71/550 288