Associated People (2) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1813 [EA] - 1819 [LA] → Owner
1828 [EA] - → Joint owner
Associated Claims (1) |
£4,038 11S 9D
Inferred association
Estate Information (7) |
[Number of enslaved people] 113(Tot)
[Name] Surprise Return by James Lowe owner
T71/501 289-293
[Number of enslaved people] 110(Tot)
[Name] Surprise [Crop] Sugar William McKenzie, manager, for the heirs of James Lowe, deceased, owners [11 births, 2 purchases, 2 imports].
T 71/508 425 v - 426 v
[Number of enslaved people] 91(Tot)
[Name] Surprise [Crop] Sugar Dougall Carmichael, manager, for Alexander Cruickshank, owner, late the property of the heirs of James Lowe, deceased [increase by births].
T 71/511 345 - 345 v
[Number of enslaved people] 87(Tot)
[Name] Surprise [Crop] Sugar John Ellis, manager, for Alexander Cruikshank, owner [increase by births].
T 71/513 300
[Number of enslaved people] 94(Tot)
[Name] Surprise [Crop] Sugar Return of John Thatcher attorney, owned by Thomas and Robert Ramsay, late the property of Alex. Cruikshank Esq.
T71/515 1976
[Number of enslaved people] 102(Tot)
[Name] Surprise [Crop] Sugar John Townshend Pasea, attorney, for Thomas Ramsay and Robert Ramsay, owners [increase by 4 births and the remainder by purchase].
T 71/517 307 v - 309
[Number of enslaved people] 102(Tot)
[Name] Surprise [Crop] Sugar David Lindsay, manager, for Thomas Ramsay, owner [increase by 4 births and the remainder by purchase].
T 71/519 314 v - 315