Associated People (1) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
- 1830 [LA] → Owner
Associated Claims (1) |
£13,955 15S 5D
Estate Information (5) |
[Name] The Farm
[Crop] Coffee The Farm, shown as plantation no. 18 under the heading 'A la cote Orientale de Demerarie', proprietaire Boedel Heiliger, 250 carreaux K [coffee]
Carte Generale...Demerarie 'Liste des habitations...' [1798] University of Amsterdam Library 'Suriname 1599-1975'
[Name] Vreede Rust
[Crop] Coffee Vreede Rust, shown as plantation no. 19 under the heading 'A la cote orientale de Demerarie', J.P. Slingaarde, 250 carreaux K [coffee].
Carte Generale...Demerarie 'Liste des habitations...' [1798] University of Amsterdam Library 'Suriname 1599-1975'
[Number of enslaved people] 295(Tot) 133(F) 162(M)
[Name] Farm & Vreede Rust V.A. Heyliger registered 295 enslaved people on Farm & Vreede Rust as proprietor in 1817
T71/397 F3 2818
[Number of enslaved people] 278(Tot) 132(F) 146(M)
[Name] Farm & Vrede Rust In the lawful possession of Stephen Cramer and J.F. Sils qq. V.A. Heyliger, signed J.F. Sils
T71/416 1203-1209
[Number of enslaved people] 275(Tot) 133(F) 142(M)
[Name] Farm & Vrede en Rust Belonging to Pln Farm and Vrede and Rust in the lawful possession of M. Nypels, C. Revers, J.A. D. Koolhaas and M.J. Retemeyer, curators.
T71/430 553-559