???? - 1837
In the will of Isabella Hankey (nee Alexander) (q.v.), she said that she had since her husband's death (which took place in 1807) purchased from Sir Morris Ximenes a 1/8th interest in the Grand Bras estate in Grenada. The path to ownership by Sir Morris Ximenes is not yet known to LBS: a connection between Ximenes, the Bulama colonisation off the coast of Sierra Leone and the Hankey family is suggested by the journey of the merchant ship Hankey owned or chartered the Bulam Company and sailing between Bulama and Grenada c. 1792.
Deirdre Coleman, 'Bulama and Sierra Leone' in Sandra Silberstein (ed.) Islands in History and Representation p. 79.
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
Joint owner
In the will of Isabella Hankey nee Alexander she recorded that after the death of her husband John Peter Hankey (in 1807) she had purchased the 1/8th interest in Grand Bras held by Sir Morris Ximenes. |
Political (1) |
Local Government
office →
High Sheriff
1806 - 1806 |