We will periodically highlight here research undertaken by historians outside the LBS project team. Primarily we will showcase work which is local or regional in focus.
Focusing on two Devon families, the Davys and Glanvilles, Gillian Allen begins to fill an important gap by showing some of the ways in which the history of slavery and the slave trade bound together the histories of Jamaica and Devon:
We are very grateful to Gillian Allen and the editors of the two journals for permission to reproduce these articles here. For more information about the South West Maritime History Society go to http://www.swmaritime.org.uk/ and for the Ottery St Mary Heritage Society, http://www.otteryheritage.org.uk/.
For further work on Devon and the south-west see also the papers and materials presented to the Exeter workshop in November 2015: click here
David Killingray's article, 'Kent and the abolition of the slave trade: a county study, 1760s-1807', is an examination of the campaign in Kent for the abolition of the slave trade and responses to it. It is both an extremely useful local study and an example of the kind of work which can be done for other areas. The article was first published in Archaeologia Cantiana, CXXVII (2007), pp. 107-25. We are grateful to both the journal and to David Killingray for allowing us to reproduce it here.
In her essay, 'Women, slavery compensation and gender relations in the 1830s' (written as an undergraduate dissertation at UCL in 2010) Hannah Young examines some of those numerous women who received compensation. Situating them within the wider patterns of gender relations in the 1830s, she investigate the extent to which female slave-ownership both conformed to and challenged prescriptive ideas about personhood, property and gender in 1830s Britain.