Jamaica St James 9 (Lapland Pen)

23rd Feb 1835 | 33 Enslaved | £600 5s 6d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 70.

Date given as 23/02/1835 in Parliamentary Papers; should probably be 23/02/1836.

T71/873: claim from Robert Nolan, of Great Britain, as owner-in-fee in right of his wife. 'Stand over for agreement of wife'. Power of attorney produced including proof of wife's separate execution.

R.A. Barrett, The Barretts of Jamaica: The Family of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Athlone, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2000) p. 84 and p. 102: shows Lapland estate as belonging to James Graham-Clarke. (See also St James claim no. 10).

T71/1608: letter, dated 16/11/1835, from Robert Nolan, Marlbro St., Dublin, asking: how do we do the 'agreement of wife'; also a letter dated 09/11/1835, stating: 'I am now apprized by the newspapers and also by Mr JBDonnelly of Billiter Sq London that the sum I am entitled to receive is now in course of payment'; 'As my state of health will not at present admit of my going to London', how can I be paid?

T71/1608: letters, dated 08/11/1834 and 30/12/1834, from Robert Nolan, 'late Captain 97th Regiment',to Spring Rice, stating that the slaves are hired to the Lapland estate of James Graham-Clarke, thus how do I get compensation? Also letter, dated 30/12/1834, to Court of Chancery, asking: has John Whtitingham filed a return 'of about thirty slaves'.

T71/223: shows John Whittingham as attorney in 1832.

Further Information

St James
Claim No.
Lapland Pen

Associated Individuals (2)

Awardee (Owner-in-fee)

Associated Estates (1)