Antigua 486 (Little Sion (?), Belfast division)

27th Nov 1837 | 105 Enslaved | £1452 17s 5d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 309. The award was split: Ann Latham received £1,192 18s 10d; Bradshaw and Richards received £45 9s 4d; Eldridge received £66 17s 9d; Liggins received £147 11s 6d. Bradshaw and Richards are shown first in Parliamentary Papers.


T71/877: claim by Jno D(uncombe) Taylor, as owner-in-fee. Counterclaim by Ann Latham, of Hunter Street, St George, Bloomsbury.


T71/1594 p. 129: letter, dated 25/10/1837, to Henry Latham, at 14 Hunter Street, Brunswick Sq., referring to this award.


T71/1609: letter from Henry Latham, 14 Hunter St., Brunswick Sq., stating: I compute the awards as £1466 9s 5d for this one, and £2761 9s 2d for Sion Hill claim no. 487 - 'I am submitting to the claimants a proposal for an amicable settlement....I wish to be exact and have the authority of your office'. (A Commissioner's note gives Sion Hill as £2734 7s 3d).


‘Slaves in the colonies’, House of Commons Parliamentary Papers 1826-7 (111) (146) p. 4: J. D. Taylor (Master in Chancery), registered 265 enslaved persons in 1826, as proprietor.


T71/1294: Ann Latham, a widow, was a mortgagee-in-fee dating from 1797, by Thomas Latham & Co..


Bristol Port Cities Slavery item no. 83: letter of Alfred Latham to A. Duncombe (formerly Alexander Moffatt), of Antigua, referring to Alfred Latham's brother Henry's claim on Sion Hill estate.

Further Information

Claim No.
Little Sion (?), Belfast division

Associated Individuals (10)

Other association
Beneficiary deceased
Other association
Unsuccessful claimant (Owner-in-fee)
Other association
Awardee (Mortgagee)

Associated Estates (1)