???? - 1792
Resident slave-owner in Jamaica, developer from 1770 of a private botanic garden at Spring Garden, Gordon Town, Liguanea. The will of his widow Martha Hinton East widow of Upper Montague Street 6 Montague Square was proved 02/05/1820. Among her monetary legacies, mostly to female relatives, was £50 currency not further explained to 'a mulatta young woman called Mary Gardiner the daughter of a black woman called Sarah' whom [Mary Gardiner] she also manumitted. Her residuary legatee was her nephew Edward Hyde East (q.v.).
Douglas Hall, 'Botanical and horticultural enterprise in 18th century Jamaica' in R. B. Sheridan, R.A. MacDonald (eds.). West Indies Accounts (1996).
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1786 [EA] - 1786 [LA] → Owner
Uncle → Nephew
Deceased Husband → Widow