No Dates
Luke Bramwell had eight children with Mary Foster: Helen (born 19/08/1800 and baptised in St Elizabeth, 15/03/1801); Ann (born December 1801, baptised in St Elizabeth 17/12/1802; Eliza (born 14/12/1803, baptised in St Elizabeth 21/06/1806); Joseph (born 15/05/1794, baptised in St Elizabeth 21/06/1806); Mary (born 01/05/1809 and baptised 03/08/1813 in St Elizabeth); Luke (born 20/06/1811 and baptised 03/08/1813 in St Elizabeth); Stephen Denton (born 09/05/1813 and baptised 03/08/1813 in St Elizabeth); and Martha (born 09/04/1818, baptised in Kingston, 21/09/1818). In all the baptisms except that of Ann, Mary Foster is listed as a "free quadroon". At the same time as the 1813 baptisms (Mary, Luke and Stephen Denton) took place there were also baptised two "sambos" and twenty-one "negroes" belonging to Luke Bramwell and eleven "negroes" belonging to Mary Foster, “free quadn”.
On 17/02/1802, a “negro belonging to” Luke Bramwell and a “negro belonging to” Mary Foster were baptised at the same time as their daughter Ann., Jamaican Parish Registers, St Elizabeth, Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1705-1820 pp. 99, 105, 117, 176; Kingston Baptisms 1793-1825 p. 300., Jamaican Parish Registers, St Elizabeth, Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1705-1820 p. 105.
We are grateful to Paul Hitchings for his assistance with compiling this entry.
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1817 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Owner
1830 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Not known
This is almost certainly linked to her ownership of Cottage in Manchester. |
Mother → Natural Daughter
Mother → Natural Daughter
Mother → Natural Son
Mother → Natural Son
Extra-marital relationships