Joseph Gompertz

No Dates


Under a deed of 03/06/1771 Joseph Gompertz of London merchant purchased for £550 an annuity of £50 p.a. for the lives of his wife Esther aged 42 and son Lyon aged 8 from Rowland Ash secured on Ash's estate and enslaved people on St Vincent, as one of a small group of purchasers paying in total £3175 for annuities amounting to £325 p.a. The schedule of annuitants immediately precedes a list of 76 enslaved people on whom the annuities were secured. Richard Willis of London guaranteed the payments. Online genealogical material shows him as the brother of the diamond merchant Solomon Barent Gompertz, dying in 1810, husband of Ester and father of Lion Gompertz (d. 1848).


Deed Book 1771-1772, British Library, EAP688/1/1/26, pp. 108-121.

Further Information


Relationships (1)

Annuitant → Grantor